WCF-show of" RosKosh" cat's club - "12 Chairs & Golden Kitten"
Published: Monday, 12 September 2022
The international WCF show of our "RosKosh" club was successfully held on September 10-11 in Moscow👏 160 cats, six authoritative experts and judges. The single-breed Ragdoll Show, the first in recent years.😻😻. Our CareForPets Cattery has put up 6 kittens and two adult cats for participation. 🏆 Details on the results are below...
For us always important not just the results of assessments, but the professional opinion of experts and the details of comparing the qualities of our pets. All our participants received high marks, but our junior kittens especially distinguished themselves.🏆 Our Zenith Malattodolls performed for the first time in the adult category, as did Kamzik CareForPets...

The result of the first day was the 5th Place in the cat show of "RosKosh" club of our Rich CareForPets 💐. The second day was truly victorious: in the monobreed Ragdoll show, Winner CareForPets became the Best Kitten Boy, and Valencia CareForPets became the Best Girl. Valencia was the best among them in the final of the breed and competed with the best adult ragdoll for the title of BEST in BREED. As a result, our Valencia CareForPets defeated its finalist opponent from Thailand.🏆

Very tough competition in the WCF ring of Juniors - 5 complete landings ! Our Valencia CareForPets reached the final and won a high 6th place. 💐 The result of our performances was the BEST contest, in which three of our kittens were nominated at once. A well-deserved victory in the final was again won by our Valencia CareForPets, who received the title of BEST KITTEN of the final day of the Show!!!👏

We thank our club "RosKosh", which gave everyone this wonderful holiday, for a clear and impeccable work. Special thanks to the President of the Club, judge-expert Marina Litvina and other top-class experts: Anna Nazarova, Irina Sadovnikova, Elena Fedorenko, Pavel Rudov and Roman Nitsenko...💐👏