The Triumph of Russian Felinology at the Happy Cat Intercontinental Asian Cat Show in Antalya (Turkey) on February 22-23, 2025.
Published: Tuesday, 25 February 2025
🏆 Our adult boy ECH R'Taste of Love CareForPets*RU, won all the Rings and Fun shows on both days 😻: from the 1st places of WCF and Jubilee rings to the BEST of BEST -I (two days), BEST GENERAL (two days) and finally BEST SUPREME 🏆. The details and pictures - below...👏
According to the WCF Best Cat rating, in 2024 our cat became the best in the World among all Ragdoll breed juniors. He has continued his adult career since the end of last year and has already defended the European Champion (ECH) title in 2025. In Antalya, he performed among the ragdolls of Turkish breeders. The total number of exhibitors is over one hundred.
The team of expert judges was very strong: WCF President Anneliese Hackmann (Germany), Thomas Hamann (Germany), Kamil Kolczynski (Poland), Natasja Heutink (Netherlands). The exhibition is organized by the Turkish Miyav Club, headed by Serkan Ermann, also a ragdoll breeder. 😻.

And finally, our results of performances at the Happy Cat Intercontinental Asian Exhibition on February 22 and 23 in Antalya:
February 22: WCF Ring Adult - 1st / 39🏆
Male Fun Show SLH - 1st / 25
Best in Show Adult SLH, Best of Best -1st 💥, Best General🏆
February 23: WCF Ring Adult - 1st/31 🏆
Adult Jubilee Ring - 1st / 29 ❤️
Loinghair & Semi Longhair Fun Show - 1st / 18
Best in Show Adult SLH, Best of Best -1st 💥, Best General🏆
Following the results of the two days of the Show, BEST SUPREME among animals of all breeds and ages 💓💓💓
Congratulations to our cattery CareForPets*RU with a well-deserved and unconditional Victory!!! 👏
Many thanks to all our friends for their help and moral support!!! 😻