WCF show of "Catty" Cat Club in Smolensk: The new Victories.
Published: Sunday, 25 September 2022
Our boys: Junior Rich Care For Pets and one-year-old handsome Zenith Malattodolls*ES successfully performed together again on September 17-18 at the WCF show of the "Catty" club in Smolensk. Both days Junior Rich won BEST JUNIOR 🏆🏆 and 1st place in the WCF ring. Zenith won BEST Opposite Sex🏆. Both cats also won various fan shows of the exhibition..💐💐
The double Victory of our junior Rich CareForPets in the BEST of both days of the exhibition is an outstanding result ... 💥. Zenith Malattodolls - slightly lost in the final and became BEST Opposite Sex... 💥

Our 'macho' Zenith Malattodolls won the Rare Breeds fun show, and Rich CareForPets won the Best Male fun show.😇:

The organization of the exhibition (the club 'Catty', Smolensk) was on top. Thanks to our experts who highly appreciated the ragdolls of our cattery. In the pictures - Alla Maksimenko and Anna Nazarova💐💐


The Victory of the Rich CareForPets at the WCF ring of the Juniors is like a nice cherry on the cake of our Victories...