WCF- Show "Cat-Info": New successful debuts.
Published: Sunday, 21 August 2022
Our boys - junior Rich CareForPets , very young Winner CareForPets and Zenith Malattodolls*ES , who moved to the adult category, successfully performed on August 20-21 at the WCF show of the Cat-Info Club (Sokolniki, Moscow). High places in the WCF-rings of juniors 💐 💐 and BEST Opposite Sex 🏆 (the final was determined only by lot). Details on the results are below...
Our junior Rich CareForPets became the Second 🥈 in the WCF ring, the Third in the Rare Breed Fan Show, was nominated for Best, beat all the boys and became the Best Opposite Sex (by lot) 🏆 in the young class.... 💥 :

Our Spanish macho Zenith Malattodolls performed for the first time in an adult class. He was very nervous, because there are so many beautiful kitties and rival boys nearby 😇 🤔 … That's why he became only the 6th in the WCF ring:

Our debutant - Winner CareForPets became the 5th in the WCF ring, which we are very happy about, because the baby is only 3.5 months old....🔥. We are happy, the Youth is growing worthy 🌺...

Thank you very much to the dear experts for their high ratings and prompt, well-coordinated work 💐💐.