Giuliano Koci Eden - Best ragdoll - 2020
Published: Sunday, 03 May 2020
Our favorite cat Giuliano Koci Eden Regional Winner (RW) and Quadruple Grand Champion (QGC) is recognized as the “2020 Best Seal Lynx (tabby) Point/bicolor Ragdoll Of The Year”

Our favorite cat Giuliano Koci Eden Regional Winner (RW) and Quadruple Grand Champion (QGC) is recognized as the “2020 Best Seal Lynx (tabby) Point/bicolor Ragdoll Of The Year”

In the General multi-breed category of longhair animals, our cat entered the top cluster of Twenty-Five (25) Best cats of 2020 !!! Giuiliano's Award of Excellence certificate:

Earlier, our outstanding cat received the title of Quadruple Grand Champion (QGC) based on the results of assessments by international experts:

Our Giuliano even in his childhood gave hope for a Star Career. Look at what he looked like when he was two months old:
Now he has 15 wonderful beautiful kittens growing up (litter D and litter F).