Ragdoll kittens. Litter E (2023).
Date of birth: 01.03.2023
Let us introduce new kids from well-known family :
beautiful Mom JCH Tajeschidolls Sweety and famous super-boy RW QGC Giuliano Koci Eden*PL 😻😻:

Ragdoll Kittens

E'Sky CareForPets
Male, Blue Lynx Point Bicolor (RAG a 03 21) - breed, show.
status - sold.
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Elton John CareForPets
Male, Seal Point Bicolor (RAG n 03 ) - show, breed.
status - under observation of our Cattery
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Esenia CareForPets
Female, Blue Lynx Point Bicolor (RAG a 03 21) - breed, show.
status - sold.
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Evelyn CareForPets
Female, Seal Point Bicolor (RAG n 03) - breed, show.
status - remains in our Cattery
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Emily CareForPets
Female, Seal Point Bicolor (RAG n 03) - breed, show.
status - remains in our Cattery
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