Ragdoll kittens. Litter W-2024.
Date of birth: 05.04.2024
Another spring litter of "blue" kittens from a new pair of our parents:
Grand European Champion GECH Noble CareForPets*RU and young mammy - beautiful C'Violetta MarkonitaMuri 😻😻:

Ragdoll kittens

Winnie CareForPets*RU
Male, Blue Point Bicolor (RAG a 03) - show, breed.
Status - reserved.
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Wlasta CareForPets*RU
Female, Blue Point Bicolor (RAG a 03) - pet.
Status - sold.
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Wendy CareForPets*RU
Female, Seal Point Bicolor (RAG n 03) - show, breed.
Status - sold.
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Wizard CareForPets*RU
Male, Blue Point Bicolor (RAG a 03) - show, breed.
Status - sold.
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Wincent CareForPets*RU
Male, Blue Point Bicolor (RAG a 03) - show, breed.
Status - sold.
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