Ragdoll kittens. Litter E -2024.
Date of Birth: 11.07.2024
We present to you a summer "blue" litter of kittens from a wonderful couple of our glorious parents: Grand European Champion GECH Noble CareForPets*RU and beauty Hey, Ulyiana CareForPeys*RU 😻😻. In the photo on the left, a black-nosed girlfriend from the subsequent litter suddenly appeared...

Sire: GECH Noble CareForPets*RU Color: Blue Point Bicolor (RAG a 03) |
Dam: Hey, Ulyiana CareForPets*RU Color: BluePoint Bicolor (RAG a 03)
Котята рэгдолл

Edith Piaf CareForPets*RU
Female, Blue Point Bicolor (RAG a 03) - show, breed, possible sale as a pet.
Status - sold.
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Elizabeth Taylor CareForPets*RU
Female, Blue Point Bicolor (RAG a 03) - show, breed.
Status - sold.
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Elvis CareForPets*RU
Male, Blue Point Bicolor (RAG a 03) - show, breed.
Status - sold.
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Eric CareForPets*RU
Male, Blue Point Bicolor (RAG a 03) - show, breed.
Status - sold.
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Eva CareForPets*RU
Female, Blue Point Bicolor (RAG a 03) - pet.
Status - sold.
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