Our favorite cat GIULIANO KOCI EDEN Regional Winner (RW) and Quadruple Grand Champion (QGC) is recognized as the “2020 Best Seal Lynx (tabby) Point/bicolor Ragdoll Of The Year”
🏆 Our adult boy ECH R'Taste of Love CareForPets*RU, won all the Rings and Fun shows on both days 😻: from the 1st places of WCF and Jubilee ringsto theBEST of BEST -I (two days), BEST GENERAL (two days) and finally BEST SUPREME🏆. The details and pictures - below...👏
Our CareForPets*RU cattery is the native home of the ragdoll kittens. Our pets are brought up in love, surrounded by care, receive professional medical care. We work within the framework of the best felinological clubs "RosKosh" and "Irbis" under the auspices of the international Felinological Association WCF. To achieve the professional qualification of a "Felinologist", I received a correspondence higher State education.
We have started with the longhaired Highlanders, whom I love very much, and in working with whom I have achieved some success. First of all, I am very interested in genetics as a science. I wanted to grow not only outstanding animals based on their breed characteristics, but also genetically healthy, strong kittens with good immunity, stable psyche, smart and affectionate Pets. And this is all in the hands of breeders!
In the summer of 2019, Me and my husband flew on a tour to New Zealand. After a week of endless excursions, when I saw the Cat-Cafe sign, I begged: "Let's go in, I missed the cats so much!!!". Out of 18 kitties 12 turned out to be ragdolls. And that's it, I'm lost.... After spending with them an hour I got lost in them deep blue eyes, and silky soft fur coat, I appreciated the delicacy, tenderness, intelligence and extraordinary grace the ragdoll breed... I instantly wanted to buy a ragdoll kitty, I didn't even know we had them in our country. But, according to the laws of that country it was impossible...
When I returned home a week later I became the owner of the ragdoll girl Fresia Valley Tuberose, a cute fluffy baby that was sold only for breeding. It's a Fate, I thought...
Valley Tuberose FresiaGiuliano Koci Eden
And then we were in need of a husband.... And we found it, the second ragdoll - Giuliano Koci Eden - a hot Scandinavian Cat-boy of Northern blood. After two International cats exhibitions only he won the title of Quadruple Grand Champion. Then appeared the most affectionate cat in the world ragdoll Ragissa Bellissima, the love of my life.
At the end of 2019, Me and my husband went to the conference in Florida. I already knew that Brian DeFoe, one of the best ragdoll breeders with 25 years of experience, lived there. Since this is an American breed, I understood that it has the deepest native roots. We became friends, and Brie entrusted me with a wonderful cat-girl ragdoll Lizzy UsaPurrs, which we carefully brought home...
Ragissa BellissimaLizzy UsaPurrs
All our cats are winners of numerous exhibitions, they are surrounded by our love and care. We are located in the nearest Moscow region (Rublevo-Uspenskoe highway), we live in a large house, our cats have a wonderful large outdoor aviary for summer walks. Now we have 19 wonderful ragdoll kittens who will grow up here to a certain age before being sent to new homes.
I studied a lot , and I am still studying felinology on a commercial and state basis. I try to learn something new in our profession all the time.... Our cats and kittens are our children and would love the same attitude towards our offsprings from the new parents...
About Ragdoll
Рэгдоллов часто описывают в литературе, как тряпичных кукол, обмякающих у всех на руках, флегматиков, не очень активных и подвижных котопитомцев. Не могу с этим согласиться! Рэгдоллы - грациозны и подвижны, много играют, целыми днями валяться на диване они не будут.... А вас, дорогие и счастливые хозяева этих чудесных котодеток, они будут ждать на пороге дома, преданно заглядывая в глаза и ожидая тепла и любви, которыми они сами одарят вас с лихвой.
Рэгдоллы - чудесны , преданы людям по-собачьи, умны не менее сибиряков и бесконечно ласковы при весёлом, энергичном и очень любознательном характере!!
В одном моем стихотворении есть такие слова: «И прошу, делитесь счастьем.... - рэгдоллиным соучастьем». Я с Вами им делюсь...